The only good is knowledge,
and the only evil is ignorance.Ā
ā€”Ā Herodotus
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have questions about breast cancer and/or breast health in general?
Check out our answers to the most frequently asked questions we received from many people.
You'll most likely find the answer(s) to one of your questions here.
For your ease, we categorized the Frequently asked questions into the following categories:
Breast Cancer, Breast Screening, and Other FAQs.
What is breast cancer?
What can cause breast cancer?
Is there a cure for breast cancer?
What are the symptoms of breast cancer?
How to prevent breast cancer?
Why do I have breast boils? What causes it and how can it be treated?
My teenage daughter has a breast lump. What should we do?
I have a lump in my breast but no pain. What is this?
I have breast pain. Is this cancer?
I have swelling on my chest/breast. What can I do?
My breasts are itchy. Should I be concerned about breast cancer?
I am still breastfeeding but I am feeling some pain on my breast with a lump, what is the cause?
I have a milky breast discharge even if Iā€™m not breastfeeding. Is it a cause for concern?
FAQ's on Breast Screening
Can a breastfeeding woman do the screening?
Can I have a mammogram during pregnancy?
Can mammograms cause cancer because of its radiation?
Does mammogram work for women with dense breast tissue?
What is the difference between a mammogram and an ultrasound?
FAQ's on Cost/Price
How much is your consultancy service?
Why do you recommend a mammogram to women who are 35 years and above and not to younger women? Is it only women of 35 years and above who are affected by breast cancer?